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Science for the Real World

Practical Science + Practical Math = economy and independence.

Course Details

  • Instructor
    To be determined
  • Key Topics
    • Practical Physics-- understanding motion and energy.
    • Practical Chemistry-- keeping you and your family safe.
    • Practical Geology-- understanding what you walk on.
    • Practical Meteorology-- getting a handle on weather and climate.


Look around you... your whole world is the product of science and technology that has been advancing at historically unprecedented rates.  Yet too many young people, and adults, have little or no education in the physical sciences.

While one may say that science is not needed for farmers, ranchers, tradesmen, and homeowners, such is simply not the case.  While everybody does not need to be Newton, Pasteur, Einstein, Tesla, or Fermi, everyone does need to have a good idea of what is happening "under the hood" of our daily lives.  Getting friendly with science lets you make informed decisions, it lets you know if the media is lying to you, it lets you tell gold from garbage.

Combine practical math with practical science and your world changes, it becomes more economical, you become more independent, you become better informed.

This course is in the planning stage.