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SFV Holdings Family Brands
From soil and seed all the way to the table, done on-farm.

SFV Holdings maintains a portfolio of brands and intellectual properties.  


The Luella's brand includes high-value agricultural products ready for the fine dining restaurant or consumer.  These include burgundy truffles, heirloom seeds, aronia berries puree, and rhubarb puree.

Blue River Malts

Premium specialized malted grains for the brewing (including home brewing), distilling, and artisian baking markets.  

FastTrack AMS

FastTrack is a range of processing equipment for both consumer and commercial use.  The "AMS" stands for two differnt product families that share common proprietary technology:  Accelerated Maturation System, and Accelerated Malting System.  

Seven Springs Farm

Seven Springs Farm Winery Inc., is awaiting its brewery, winery, and distilled spirits operating permits.  Seven Springs Farm will produce aronia, rhubarb, and cherry wines for both consumer sale and sale to other wineries. Additionally, the farm produces other high value crops including burgundy truffles, malting grains, bloody butcher corn, and others.  SFV Holdings offices are co-located at Seven Springs Farm.

Chef Nick's

Chef Nick's produces and distributes a spectrum of high-quality spice blends and meal kits for both consumer and commercial applications.